AAPMBF UPDATES: For more information, please check the FAQ.
Whatever happens, Australian Air Pilots Mutual Benefit Fund is there for you - supporting and protecting you and your family in three essential ways.
Designed to help you better meet your financial obligations while you're not flying. Monthly payments are derived from the Standard Capital Benefit only.
Monthly payments will not exceed one twelfth of a Member’s Gross Annual Salary.
Benefits start 28 days after the date of disability or at the end of sick leave, whichever occurs last.
With an insurance policy, your monthly payments are reduced if you earn other income. Not with your MBF - we pay the full monthly amount regardless of anything else you earn.
No income insurance adjustments, so you know exactly what your monthly payments will be.
MBF does not pay benefits where you have an entitlement to benefits under State or Federal legislation (including but not limited to Workers Compensation).
On top of the full Standard Capital Benefit and the Premium Capital Benefit (if taken) in the event of your death.
Your death benefit starts at $100,000 the day you join the MBF and increases by $10,000 for every year of membership up to $300,000.
The MBF Trustee does have the discretion to consider earlier payments in circumstances of financial hardship. Please note that to the extent that there is any inconsistency between information provided on this website and the rules of the MBF, the rules will take precedence.